The past couple of years…

I haven’t written much here for the past couple of years, mostly because I’ve been busy with other things. I ended up moving back to Sweden in the second half of 2022 and went back to school, because why not. Well, it was more about it being hard to find a decent job, to a degree because of the pandemic and to a degree due to lack of papers to prove that I actually know what I’ve been working with for the latter half of my life.

A couple of months after I started school, I ended up getting involved with a startup, whom I did my first of two interships with, but let’s just say I will be doing the second internship with some other company, as things didn’t really work out. However, it did bring me back to Taiwan over the summer, so it wasn’t all bad.

These days, I’m mostly waiting for the Swedish immigration office to get off their backside and approve the application to let B move here and live with me in Sweden. It’s alreay been over a year since we sent in the application and the migration office hasn’t even bothered assigning a handler to the case. To say it’s frustrating is an understatement. Due to B being busy with work, I ended up having to bring our cat with me to Sweden, which was a lot easier than to bring B over here. In fact, the morning I arrived, no-one was at the customs counter at the airport and I only spoke to someone briefly on the phone who asked for the chip ID and my name and then told me to go on through. A very odd experience.

Anyhow, I will try and maintain the info related to Taiwan and I have updated some stuff this summer, such as Carrefour changing the name of Jasons to Mia C’bon as they no longer have the right to use the Jasons name, but you can find more details about that in the list of Supermarkets in Taiwan.

Until next time, whenever that will be.

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