Easy come, easy go…

Well, I guess it’s not exactly an accurate description of things, but I’m no longer with netbooknews.com…

Still, I’ve got more work on right now than I’ve had in a while and hopefully I’ll also make some money on it all, it’s just that I seem to be sitting around waiting to get paid by a bunch of people/companies that owe me money.

Life’s been a bit rough as of lately, but it seems like things are getting better once again. I guess you never really know what to expect, no matter what you get yourself involved in.

Now I’m working on something on my own on the site as well and hopefully with the help of a few friends, it’s not going to take too long to get it all sorted out. I guess it’s not hard to figure out what it is that I’m working on if you know what I’ve mostly been doing for a living over the past few years. I really should’ve done this years ago, but I guess I just never got around to it.

Tomorrow is “Typhoon holiday” here in Taiwan, as we’re about to be hit by a rather large typhoon up in the northern parts of the island. This means that most local will be haning out in the malls, as I have yet to be here during a typhoon that’s bad enough to close up the malls…

I’ll try to be a bit more of a frequent blogger as well. I know I keep saying this every time after I’ve been absent for a while, but I guess this is just my little personal thing and not something I have that much time to focus on.

Until next time…

Computex aftermath

So, the start of netbooknews.com went much better than I hoped for and with Computex over and done with the real work is starting. I have to say that I’m very happy with the team behind the site and as long as we can keep up the momentum that we’ve started, the site should keep gaining popularity quickly.

Doing video content is an entirely new thing to me, but it turns out that at least the stuff I do isn’t all that difficult after all. It still freaks me out to listen to my own voice, but I guess this is normal. Still a lot of things to learn about how to do it all properly, but I guess I’m at least ok both in front and behind the camera considering I’ve never done any of this before. I’ve also figured out how to edit video, although this is still a serious learning process.

Apart from all this, life is pretty good. I even had someone I know from the UK that was over here for Computex come up to me and commenting on how happy I looked. I guess that’s a good thing 😀 It’s funny how things work out sometimes, but it looks like once again I’m off to new and exciting things, just fingers crossed that it all works out.

I’ve got a couple of  things I need to finish off and get posted on the site and I’m really sorry about the lack of updates, but the past few weeks have been insanely busy.

So many things going on

Wow, sorry for the utter lack up updates, but I’ve been soooo busy as of lately.

So, I’m in the middle of launching netbooknews.com and we’ve already got content up on the site, but the official launch isn’t until Monday next week.

We’re going to be crazy busy covering Computex next week and I’m still going to cover the show for my old company as well.

Once Computex is over I’ll try to get a bit better at this whole blogging thing, but until then, you’ll have to make do with this.

Updating some old stuff

Right, I’ve been updating some older posts, as things have changed a little bit since I started this project and I’ve also had some additional information, alongside the fact that I’ve actually been to a few more of the supermarkets in the list I’ve done.

I’m going to try to add more stuff to the site as well, I’ve got a fair few restarant’s I should be writing up, but it all takes time. I also need to add more stuff to the FindIT map, but again, this is a hobby project and it’s not as if I have unlimited to do this.

On a more personal note, I’m busy working on a more serious project that will hopefully work out in the end, but as of right now it looks like it’ll be a lot of hard work. I guess there isn’t really much else to say at the moment, so just bare with me and hopefully everything will improve with time :mrgreen:

Is it already March?

Wow, time really flies and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. The last couple of weeks made it seem like summer came early this year, but now it’s a bit colder and wetter again. There was talks about a draught here, as it hadn’t rained very much so far this spring which is unusual in Taiwan, but it looks like the next week is going to be wet, wet, wet, with a few thunderstorms to boot, which again isn’t common here. At least it’s been a long time since there’s been any large earth quakes which I guess isn’t a bad thing in itself, as long as it doesn’t mean it’s building up for a big one…

Right now things are just plodding along, nothing much new to report, just trying to get on with stuff and keep my fingers crossed that everything will work out in the long run. For those of you that live in Taiwan or are visiting, you might want to head to the Tavern this Thursday night, as the Taipei Tech Club is meeting up, if you’re interested in meeting up with some of the people that works in the tech industry here. We try to meet up once a month, although we’re not so well organised, so it happens a bit at a whim.

Well, I keep saying this, but I’m going to try to get better at updating this thing now when I have a proper host that makes it a bit easier. Until next time…